Reference list about Arenavirus and rodents
From : Anonyme (1997) Arénavirus et rongeurs : une histoire commune ? IRD,
fiches scientifiques, 40, mai-juin 1997
- J.-P. Gonzalez, " Virus and Rodent Co-evolution : Arenaviruses,
Hantaviruses and Muridae, a global View", in New Dimension of Parasitology,
Acta parasitologica Turcica, N°67, 1996.
- J.-P. Gonzalez, Michael D. Bowen, Stuart T. Nichol and R. Rico-Hesse, "Genetic
Characterization and Phylogeny of Sabia Virus, an Emergent Pathogen in
Brazil", in Journal of Virology , n°221, May 1996.
- J.-P. Gonzalez, "Des virus, des rongeurs et des fièvres", Orstom
Actualités, N°47, 1995.
- J.-.P Gonzales, A. Sanchez and R. Rico-Hesse, "Molecular Phylogeny of
Guanarito Virus, an Emerging Arenavirus affectiing Humans", American Journal
of Tropical Medecine and Hygien, N° 53, 1995.